Monday, February 4, 2008

Interesting Chemistry Topics

Surfing through the web, I found some very cool things that scientist do that involves chemistry. One of them was the invention of a particle accelerator. The particle accelerator is based on the string theory that every particle can be described as a string and that it suggests the idea that there are six or seven more dimensions in addition to the ones we already know.
Another cool thing I found was a material invented that is called metal rubber. It is indestructible, and it can be frozen, heated, stretched, washed, and it is an electricity conductor. 
Something else that is cool is what are called T-rays. T-rays are pulses of terahertz radiation that are used to find old paintings or murals that have been hidden beneath plaster or other stuff. 
Another thing that is cool is that a group of chemists have found a use for the deadly carbon monoxide. If this compound is given in small doses that are dissolved in water, it could help patients who have undergone any organ surgeries or people who have high blood pressure because it is able to reduce inflammation, widen blood vessels, and increase blood flow.
Finally, a team of chemists have found a way to store or catch gases and to make the process of catching, storing, and transporting gases safer and more efficient.
I think the coolest thing I found was the metal rubber because something that is both indestructible but flexible can be used in society for a lot of purposes. One of the purposes it can be used for would be to add it to portable technology because something may happen to it, but if it has metal rubber, it can fall on the ground and nothing would happen to it. Also it could be used to make cars or airplanes so if they crashed they would just bounce back up again and there would be no damage.

(I wrote on Will's blog, Kristy's blog, and Ally's blog)


Will Lounsbury said...

I would agree that this metal rubber is the sweetest thing i have ever heard. but i disagree with your examples of uses. you mentioned that this material was flexable which would make it pretty hard to make any kind of vehicle. your topics and links were very interesting and really got me thinking about how sweet chemistry is.

nramone said...

HeY RO...(it sounds like hello!) haha
On a more serious note Ro i really enjoyed reading what you found. I can tell by the things you found that you are most interested by new technology and chemistry. The metal rubber stuff sounds really interesting. I would love to see it. although i do feel the indestructable statement is confusing. How is that possible???

Anonymous said...

The metal rubber is really cool, I'd be interested to see how they came up with that. The bit about transporting gases more safely and efficiently is also quite interesting. Well done!

ashbash! said...

metal rubber is possibly the coolest thing i've ever heard of. good job. you researched a lot.



Reiss said...

Roqeilo metal rubber is so cool. It would be great for tires but it couldn't be used for many consumer items but for like bullet proof vest. YThis is a cool topic and will be a great product if it is used in the right way.